2-day Rifle 125 (Basic Rifle) event at Erie County Conservation League near Milan, OH.
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Marion, OH Rifle 262 KD AAR

AAR Rifle 262 Known Distance event at Meeker Sportsman Club.

CAP event at Tusco Rifle Club

Revere’s Riders instructors completed another successful Civil Air Patrol rifle clinic at Tusco Rifle Club near Midvale, Ohio. We had 11 CAP cadets attend our marksmanship clinic and they worked
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2-day Rifle 125 (Basic Rifle) event at Erie County Conservation League near Milan, OH.
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This is a PRIVATE event open to youth participants in the Ohio Civil Air Patrol wing.  It is designed to allow participants to earn their CAP marksmanship awards and the
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Rifle 125 (Basic Rifle) Overview Prerequisites: None Overview: This is a HALF DAY PRONE ONLY, EVENT.  This offering, based on traditional American rifle craft that teaches “Hits Count!” It is
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2-day Field Rifle Rimfire-Only event at Tusco Rifle Club near Midvale, OH.
BSA Merit Badge
2-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic at Wolf Creek Sportsmen's Association near Curtice, OH.
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2-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic at Wolf Creek Sportsmen's Association near Curtice, OH.
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2-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic event at Wolf Creek Sportsmen's Association near Curtice, OH.
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